Groundswell 2024: A Celebration of Regenerative Agriculture

Our TAke aways from the show:

Agriton UK, are you ready for a more sustainable future?

Groundswell, the UK's leading regenerative agriculture festival, just wrapped up its ninth year with a record-breaking attendance of nearly 8,000 visitors! This two-day event, held at Lannock Manor Farm in Hertfordshire, provided a platform for farmers and food system enthusiasts to learn, connect, and discover the power of regenerative practices.

Key Highlights:

  • A Gathering of Experts: Renowned figures like John Kempf, Joel Williams, and Andy Cato shared their knowledge and experience with the "who's who" of the global "regen ag" community.

  • Practical Learning: Attendees participated in farm-wide demonstrations covering everything from mob grazing to soil health and biodiversity.

  • Building a Movement: Alex Cherry, Groundswell's event director, emphasized the festival's role in fostering a community dedicated to improving soil health, farm profitability, and environmental sustainability.

Beyond the Festival:

Groundswell's impact extends far beyond the event itself. Partners like Affinity Water recognize the importance of regenerative practices for water conservation and a healthy environment. The festival serves as a catalyst for ongoing research and collaboration, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Why This Matters to Agriton UK:

Our current food system faces significant challenges, contributing to climate change, biodiversity loss, and health problems. Regenerative agriculture offers a solution. By promoting practices like cover cropping, it can improve soil health, store carbon, and make our food system more resilient.

The Call to Action:

Inspired by Groundswell's success and Denmark's recent commitment to regenerative agriculture, Agriton UK can play a vital role in supporting the transition. Let's work together to build a win-win situation for farmers, consumers, and the environment.

Join the Movement:

Get involved! Learn more about regenerative agriculture and advocate for policies that support this crucial shift. By working together, we can create a more sustainable future for generations to come.


The Woolsery Project


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